Time to go home.
We have been away three weeks and the time felt right to go home. After getting ready to go down to the pool for the final time we packed our bags for the final time. I had managed to arrange a check out time of 1pm.
As per the last couple of days, Karen went and secured the sun beds we wanted whilst I sorted out breakfast. We had the same position for all three days and it was beginning to feel like our own private place. Karen had struck up a conversation with some Canadians nearby who similarly had taken the same position each day. I soon got lost in the book on my Kindle.

About 11.30am we went back to the room to shower and do the final packing. At 1pm exactly we were back down in the lobby and making our way through to the car park.
We still had a couple of hours to kill before we needed to be at the airport and the temperature was rapidly progressing to 42c so we were keen to hang out somewhere cool. We headed to the Outlet Mall as it was next to the airport and was air conditioned. Once we parked the car, the walk to the mall was unbearably hot. We wandered for a while and then sat in the food court having some food and drink. After a while we were bored and so made our way to the airport early. On route we topped the car up with petrol and then dropped it back at Car Rental return. We then caught the shuttle back to the airport and within a few minutes safely dropped off our luggage. It didn’t take too long going through Security and we made our way to the Lounge.
As we have found previously Airport Lounges in the USA are not great. The selection of food was poor although the free bar was not bad and so we had a cocktail and some Prosecco. I passed the time writing the blog whilst Karen took advantage of the free showers.
Boarding was straight forward and we took our bulkhead seats. The flight was non eventful. I didn’t bother watching any films as they were the same as our flights out. Instead I read a while and then tried to get some sleep. I felt I dozed intermittently. We landed on time. There was no queue at Passport Control and remarkably our luggage came out immediately on the carousel. After a quick toilet stop, we went outside to meet Sunny with our car. We could not believe the temperature when we got outside as it was 35c. It was not a dry heat like Vegas and it felt more uncomfortable.
The drive home was not good. Just as we were about to turn off the M4 to hit the M25, the Sat Nav rerouted us due to problems on the M25. We almost ended up back at the airport and then were directed through the western and northern suburbs of London. The journey took 3 1/2 hours and it avoided not only the M25 but the M11 as well. We stopped on the A11 for a break and drinks. We bought Fish & Chips to take in with us when we got back to Norwich.
And that was it, the trip was over. It was yet another one that I wasn’t keen upon beforehand but absolutely loved, even in the end Vegas.
We had a really good time and there was much laughter. The highlight for me was the quality time we got to spend together. However in terms of places we visited it was definitely the National Parks. We love going to these and indeed Karen is already planning other trips where we can visit more of these. Again we would like to add in some more down days but are not very good in doing so.
Despite all this we were also pleased to be home to see the boys and catch up with everything thing. And as usual we were not greeted by that large premium bond prize, but at least the grass was not too long – just don’t mention that ruddy mole.