This morning we woke to damp skies but we weren’t too worried as the forecast was for it to clear up quickly. We took our time getting ready and headed down to breakfast. Three mornings of Holiday Inn Express breakfast and it all starts to blend into one. To mix things up a bit I started with the porridge today.
Just about 10am we were back on the D Subway heading to Columbus Circle. I was feeling so much better today, almost like my head had cleared and fought off the virus. Long may it continue.
Once at Columbus Circle we headed into Central Park for a wander in the now lovely sunshine. We didn’t get very far when we came to the ‘Tavern on the Green’ where we stopped at the outdoor takeaway section. I ordered a coffee for Karen and a Breakfast Tea for me. I was asked if I wanted milk with my tea. When I got it, the question should have been ‘do I want tea with my milk?’. It was almost undrinkable and such an insipid pale colour. Why do people who obviously do not drink tea always get it so wrong? Why was I being so British and not complaining?

Anyhow I didn’t let it spoil our enjoyment of people watching. Central Park does attract its fair share of strange people. There were loads of joggers, some of which I seriously doubted they would make it to the end of the park before collapsing. Or perhaps they had been running for the past 3 days unable to find the exit to get home.
There were lots of people touting for business with their horse and carts and bicycle contraptions. Having done the carriage ride before we felt no need for a spontaneous expensive romantic gesture again.
We thought we would carry on walking to Strawberry Fields but took the wrong path and missed it initially going way past it. Easy going Karen took it in her stride and never looked to apportion any blame towards me for wasting her time and effort.
Turning around we walked back and found it along with dozens of other people who all wanted the same photo of the John Lennon memorial.

It was then time to make our way to the Richard Rogers Theatre to use yesterday’s late night rash purchase of tickets to see the matinee performance of Hamilton. It was the comment from Karen that ‘she would regret going home without seeing it on Broadway’ that made me close my eyes and just press the purchase button.
The theatre was 1.7 miles away and we decided to walk there slowly down 8th Avenue. It was a very pleasant walk. It’s funny how much nicer New York seems whilst your head is not in a fug and you don’t feel stressed with worrying if you are going to pass out anytime.
We were almost at the theatre when Karen decided she needed a caffeine boost from a Starbucks. The one we were passing even had a few seats that we gratefully used.
Then it was time for the main event. We were soon let into the theatre. My initial impressions were that it seemed a bit run down in places. I hadn’t mentioned to Karen what seats I had booked other than they were the cheapest left available. I could see they were at the side. I didn’t realise we were in our own box right on the side of the stage. Instead of Theatre Seats we had large chairs we could move around and there was so much leg room as to be ridiculous. We were in the equivalent of the Royal Box and it was great. We were so close to the action as to almost feel part of it.

We had seen the show in the West End, but this was far better. The standard of acting and singing was out of this world. The first time watching it left us breathless but this time we got much more of the intricacies of the story and lyrics. It is one of the best new musicals of our time and we loved it. King George III as ever stole the show.
Writing a hit musical is the way to make some real cash. I wonder if having no writing, singing or musical ability is a barrier to me composing one. Would people pay to see my life story immortalised in ‘Karl – the Musical’. I know I would. Now who could play me?
Following this and watching our subjects leave their pauper seats below us, we walked back up 7 Avenue which seemed much nicer than the part we were on yesterday. We came to another branch of Junior’s restaurant and couldn’t resist going in again. It was busy and noisy but they quickly found us a table. Today we both ordered the super unhealthy Grilled Cheese Sandwiches as it was our only other meal of the deal. They were very good and something we would never make at home. We then both ordered some diabetic cheesecake which we soon demolished. We can definitely recommend this restaurant for good value meals whilst in New York City.
Then we walked to the 7 Avenue D line Subway stop and made our way back to the hotel in Brooklyn. Tomorrow, we hope to be able to explore some of Brooklyn which if ever it separated from New York would become the 3rd largest City on its own in the whole USA.
Back in our room we made a cup of tea whilst finding on the TV an edition of Shark Tank for Karen to watch as we chilled before turning off the lights.