Picture of Karl Clare ♛

Karl Clare ♛

2024 – September – At Sea & Victoria – Day 13

Today was going to be spent mainly at sea before docking in the evening into Victoria on Vancouver Island. A strange stop given we were only to be there for just over 3 hours in the dark. It was necessitated by a US Federal law which said that all US registered cruise ships had to make a stop into a ‘foreign’ port even if only for a few hours. Hence, we found ourselves steaming to Canada after previously visiting just US cities in Alaska.

We woke to find that our return journey south meant we had left behind the wet weather and returned to much sunny and warmer climes. We both had omelette for breakfast and then headed up to the Gym. After our 30-minute work outs we felt we had earned another hot drink and headed up the Crow’s Nest to get one from one of our favourite serving hosts.

Today we managed to secure a couple of the comfortable seats right at the front of the lounge by the window as the ship motored forward seemingly straight for more sun and blue skies. Karen had to move back after a while as she was getting too hot but I stuck in out just enjoying some much-needed R&R.

It was then time to head back to have a shower after our gym session and about noon time we headed up to the Lido Market for lunch.

We had just finished eating when we got a message from Barry & Ellie who were in New York on their holiday, asking if we were free for a Facetime chat. Of course, we were and Ellie immediately started the call. As it was a bit noisy inside, we headed out to the outside Pool area to continue the chat. It seemed bizarre having a Facetime call cruising on a ship in the middle of nowhere.

After a quick catch up, Barry & Ellie revealed the real reason for the call. Barry had proposed and Ellie had said Yes! We were both really delighted and Karen shed tears which in turn started Ellie off. The tears continued as Ellie described the details of the proposal which sounded perfect. They do make the loveliest couple who just seem so right for each other. We teased Barry about why it had taking him so long. We have loved having Ellie as a part of our little family and she has enhanced it in so many ways We were so happy that it would now be on a more formal basis.  We agreed to keep the news secret until they had a chance to tell everyone themselves.

It was with a smile on our faces we met up with T&G (who we were told we could tell) and found some sunbeds at which to base ourselves in the beautiful weather for the afternoon. We toasted the happy couple on the other side of the continent with a couple of blended margaritas and then a couple more.

As usual my back didn’t appreciate being on a sun bed so after a while, Graham & I went off for a walk but got diverted by having a go on the deck quoits and then the corn hole equipment. After a while Graham went back to get Tracey to join the game with him whilst I went for a walk around the deck.

During my walk I stood nearby to some people with binoculars who were getting excited as there appeared to be lots of whales around us. There were spout holes that could be easily seen all alongside the ship.  I went back to let the others know.

The whales were apparently all Orca’s. At one point a ‘pod’ of four them all surfaced together and then dived back down showing off their tails. It all happened so quickly and just too far away to get any good photos of them, but what a day we were having.

After this excitement I found a table and chairs outside on the deck below the others and sat there in much more comfort catching up with the news on my phone. Eventually everyone else joined me and we decided we all were in need a fortifying cup of tea and headed for the long walk to the other end of the ship to the Crows Lounge to get one.

We arranged to meet for dinner early in The Dining Room in case we wanted to get off the ship for a walk in Victoria. As we docked Karen & I were ready to get off the ship but Graham needed a quick nap after dinner and so T&G headed back to the cabin for a while.

We were aware that the port was about 1.5 miles from the centre which was supposedly walkable but a shuttle was available at the extortive rate of $18 each. We had considered visiting Butchart Gardens but the cost was ridiculous was about £100 each and we were not convinced that we would be there long enough to make it worthwhile.

Then we heard a member of staff announce over a microphone in one of the lounges that the Canadian authorities would be checking Passports and Visas before allowing anyone into the country.  The boat was late docking and so it was now getting dark. It all seemed rather pointless to us.

Waiting by the outside pool for T&G we stood and watched the sun set over the water. We were waiting for the announcement that we were now allowed to disembark to make a decision whether to or not to. It never came or at least was not announced on this deck. In fact, if Karen had not wandered to look over the other side of the boat to see people streaming off, we would never have known.

Karen was not a happy bunny. When T&G re-joined us, we thought we should at least set foot on Canadian soil. It turned out to be total nonsense regarding the immigration process to enter Canada as we were just waived through brandishing our boarding cards.

As we had spent a day in Victoria before Karen & I were not bothered about walking in the dark all the way to the centre and then quickly turning round and coming back again. This was coupled with the fact I was starting to feel lousy with a bug coming on. Instead, we walked the 0.6 miles to the Fisherman’s Wharf along a very dark path. It was small collection of shanty restaurants that were closing by the time we got there. I really wasn’t feeling great and it kind of washed over me as I had seen better elsewhere. With that we headed back.

Back in our cabin we finished our packing and put our large bags outside the cabin ready for unloading early morning upon arrival into Seattle. I took a couple of paracetamols to get my temperature down and help me sleep which I soon did. But did I mention how happy we were for Barry & Ellie?

******* For details of the proposal – please read Barry & Ellie’s blog (which is always a far better read than mine anyhow – subscribe to get their updates).

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