2024 – September – Ketchikan – Day 12

2024 – September – Sitka – Day 11

2024 – September – Icy Strait Point – Day 10

2024 – September – Juneau – Day 9

2024 – September – All at Sea – Day 8

2024 – August – Setting Sail – Day 7

2024 – August – Snoqualmie – Day 6

2024 – August – Snoqualmie – Day 5

2024 – August – Leavenworth – Day 4

2024 – August – Morton – Day 3

2024 – August – Morton – Day 2

2024 – August – Seattle – Day 1

2024 – August – Pre Seattle and Travel Day

2024 – August – Road Trip – Day 4

2024 – August – Road Trip – Day 3

2024 – August – Road Trip – Day 2

2024 – August – Catch Up & Road Trip – Day 1

2024 – June – Kent – Day 3

2024 – June – Kent – Day 2

2024 – June – Kent – Day 1

2024 – June – Kent – Pre and Travel Day

2024 – May – Lincolnshire – Day 3 and Going Home (and back again)

2024 – May – Lincolnshire – Day 2

2024 – May – Lincolnshire – Pre Travel & Day 1

2024 – April – Oslo – Day 2

2019 – West Coast USA – Day 9

Breakfast this morning was in a small room opposite reception meaning a lovely walk in the sunshine with the temperatures

2019 – West Coast USA – Day 8

Today the Hotel promised a deluxe breakfast. Turned out to be scrambled eggs again, this time accompanied by ‘Sausage’. I’m

2019 – West Coast USA – Day 6

Breakfast today was advertised as ‘Continental’ style which I correctly took to mean no hot food. In fact it actually

2019 – Japan – Home

I set the alarms on both Karen’s and my phone to make sure we were up at 4.15am as we

2019 – Japan – Day 14

What a difference 24 hours make. Today we woke up to blue skies and lovely warm sunshine. After another passable

2019 – Japan – Day 13

Todays forecast was for rain all day and we couldn’t decide if that would be a good thing or not